
The eeCourses below were developed collaboratively by experts in the field of environmental education across the country and funded by federal grants. The Minnesota Association for Environmental Education (MAEE) works with other state affiliates to provide eeCourses for the eeCredentials program. The eeCredentials program, started by the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), has online, easy-to-access, and ongoing professional development opportunities for environmental educators through online courses, known as eeCourses. This eeCourses/eeCredentials framework offers a variety of topics for you to grow professionally in the field of environmental education. All courses are designed for formal and informal educators teaching about nature and environment to a variety of audiences across Minnesota. Two online courses are offered each season with a goal of 8 course titles by 2026.

This 8-week course is designed to foster and support practices of racial justice, equity, inclusion, and diversity in the outdoors and environmental work. This course focuses on the right for individuals to experience, lead, or value outdoor learning and environmental education, regardless of race or ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, background, disability, economic status, or any other aspect of identity or circumstances. This JEDI 101 course explores research, resources and strategies toward safe, equal access to the outdoors for all.
COST: $100
Register by October 10th, 2024.

This 8-week course is designed to provide educators with the background knowledge and skills in the sound principles of environmental education. This course was developed collaboratively by experts in the field of environmental education across the country and funded by federal grants. This course aims to provide you with a strong foundation to grow your skills in environmental education and become more proficient in using the best practices in environmental education in your current role.
COST: $100
Register by October 10th, 2024.
How do eeCourses online work?
Courses are online, asynchronous, and designed to be completed in 6-8 weeks with 2 optional Zoom meetings to meet other educators. Details (links & logins) will be emailed to you. We suggest signing up for the course by the first week. All course work must be completed by the course closure date.
How long is each course?
Each course lasts 6-8 weeks. Each course has 5-8 modules that participants work on at their own pace (asynchronously) and must complete before the posted end date of the course.
When are eeCourses offered by MAEE?
A variety of courses run throughout the year. Two courses are offered each season. In fall, eeCourses run October through November. In winter, eeCourse run January through February. In spring, eeCourses run April through May. In summer, eeCourses are offered June, July, and August.
What eeCourse are currently offered by MAEE?
The following eeCourses are currently offered by MAEE: Foundations in Teaching Environmental Education (EE201): Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (JEDI 101); Children & Nature Play; Universal Design for Learning, Community Engagement Guidelines for Excellence.
How much time is needed for each course?
Within the 8-week course, participants are asked to complete the 5-8 modules at their own pace. Each module is a themed package of activities, videos, readings that takes 1-2 hours to complete. Two Zoom meetings per course are optional. It is estimated that each course takes 10-15 hrs to complete.
Who are the eeCourses designed for? Will an eeCourse be right for me?
A variety of courses are offered to meet the needs of educators in formal and in-formal settings, all ages, across Minnesota. For example: classroom teachers, nature preschool teachers, naturalists with parks and nature centers, higher education faculty/staff, scout leaders, homeschoolers & more.
How do I get started with my eeCourse?
Start by registering and paying for the eeCourse through EventBrite. After registering for the event, you will receive an email from MAEE with details on the course schedule and information on how to log in to the MAEE online learning platform.
Is each eeCourse asynchronous?
All eeCourses are asynchronous, meaning you work online at your own pace to move through 5-8 learning modules. Each course has 2 optional Zoom meetings where you can meet and work with your instructor and environmental educators from around Minnesota.
Will I connect with other environmental educators during the course?
Yes! When you sign up for an eeCourse with MAEE, you receive online content and opportunities to connect with people. Each course has 2 optional Zoom meetings to connect educators across Minnesota and 2 months to complete online activities, videos, and readings guided by an MAEE instructor.